Ovarian Cysts for Iodine

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Alyssainfinity (Austin, Texas) on 03/15/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I have had two relatively large ovarian cysts for years, and would freqently find myself curled up in the fetal position, having taken a couple over-the-counter or prescription pain killers, but nothing worked. The pain would radiate through my entire body as a dull ache, while extemely intense cramps would concentrate between my legs.

After doing a little research between Earth Clinic and the rest of the web, I decided to try Iodine Painting. Simply use a cotton swab to 'paint' a two inch square on the soft skin of your wrist, upper arms, stomach or inner legs. Your body absorbs the iodine through the skin. The first thing I noticed was a slight jittery sensation, and very soon my cramps subsided. I have been painting the iodine on for over a week now... I have not had any pain, I have not taken any pain-relievers, I have more energy, I have clearer skin, and I have a greater sex-drive.

I felt as though half of my life was being devoted to my cysts, and now I simply paint on a two inch square of iodine in the morning, and I'm free to live my life. I feel that iodine has already improved my quality of life significantly, where traditional doctors constantly told me that what I was experiencing was 'normal'.

It was quick and easy to try, and a fairly large bottle was only $6 at my local grocery store. I've been telling everyone I know in an effort to help anyone that may be sufferng. I wish I would have run across this information years ago. Thanks to EarthClinic for improving my life significantly.

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Robin (Houston, TX) on 03/01/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I took iodine for an ovarian cyst. It made it go away. I had been taking Depoprovara shots every three months to stop the formation of the cyst. I also gained twelve pounds. I stopped taking the shots and went on a diet and lost the weight but the cyst problem returned. This time I used iodine and it worked better with no weight gain.