Increased Energy, Better Sleep for Iodine

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Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 03/08/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I have posted before about using iodine for low thyroid. I have used it for years with great results. Well, it isn’t cheap and after I ran out a few months ago I decided to try something else. “Thyroid Energy” got good reviews so I tried that. It did seem to work for me. If I forgot to take it for a few days I would start getting a dry mouth, which is how I know my thyroid is doing poorly.

Well when I ran out of the Thyroid Energy stuff, I decided to go back to Iodoral, and I don’t even know why I decided to do that. It arrived last week and I have been taking it with selenium and zinc and C and my other usual stuff.

Yesterday I realized that I have more energy than I have had in a while. In the late evening my mind is more clear and I am folding laundry (instead of “waiting until tomorrow.”) I am also sleeping more soundly.

I am pretty sure it is the Iodoral. You know, sometimes things change gradually and you don’t realize they are changing. I think my energy got worse and my sleep got worse over time I didn’t make the supplement change connection at all.

Iodoral is kind of expensive but at the end of the day, it is worth it, literally!

~Mama to Many~

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