Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy For Children for Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

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Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 09/12/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy And Children

Well, I have been reading about Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation therapy, at Earth Clinic, of course. Somehow it was very intimidating to me. But I kept reading because I really wanted to try it on my daughter. She is 9 and has asthma. She had a lot of trouble 18 months ago and we did a lot of natural things and she was better. But it just recently flared up again and nothing was helping her for long. I finally tried the inhalation therapy. I thought I would share what I did for other parents who wanted to try it.

I took a glass colloidal silver bottle with a spray top and emptied it into another container and cleaned it out. (I wanted to be sure to use a food grade container. ) I filled it with 3% hydrogen peroxide from the pharmacy. (I have food grade around but am terrified that I will mix it wrong and have a disaster. ) First, I tried it on me. I just sprayed it into the back of my mouth and inhaled. Then I tried this on my daughter. She is 9 and petite. I had her exhale, then spray towards the back of her throat and inhale. At first we did one spray twice a day. Now she does 2 sprays, inhales, then 2 sprays. When she starts wheezing, if she does this, the wheezing stops.

I do have her taking a number of herbs to minimize her allergies and that helps. (She takes nettles and quercetin. I am also giving her Evening Primrose Oil and Dandelion Root daily. ) At night we use an essential oil diffuser and diffuse good oils for her lungs. She has hardly wheezed at all since we started that. But she does wheeze if she plays hard, but she knows to come in and spray peroxide and take a dose of nettles.

Hope this will help another parent. I am so grateful for all the stories on earth clinic!


~Mama to Many~