Detoxing for Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

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Steve D (Bergen County, NJ) on 03/04/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I'm already familiar with using H202 but after reading about Bill's inhalation method, I became intrigued. I used food grade 35% h202. I have used it for many years and yes, if you do not know what you are doing, are not good at mixing things, or have never used it before, please find someone who has and have them prepare it for you. Or you will most likely injure yourself. I used a 1 ounce nasal spray bottle with 4 drops of 3% H202 35% solution. I firmly believe in starting with minute dosages and working up. Better safe than sorry. After the first application of 2 pumps, my sinuses stared to open up more than they have been and there was a deepening of my breathing. I waited for 30 minutes and did 2 more pumps and noticed my head begin to clear. I have been noticing more improvements along with minor die-off effects. That is why I started with a low potency of 4 drops. Too much die-off could be potentially deadly for some people with a weak immune and especially eliminative system. So far, it is working extremely well for me and I will keep increasing the number of H202 drops in the spray bottle as time goes on. Remember that as effective as something as this is, you need to be educated on how toxicity is accumulated in your body and why your organs of elimination need to be working properly. Otherwise the die-off from killing the negative condition may be more uncomfortable than what you were suffering from.