Bronchitis for Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

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Ed (Ocala, Fl) on 01/06/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Having pneumonia a few years back, I was very close to admission to the hospital. Antibiotics were not working!! I found a product, "respiratory support with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide" in it. In a couple of days, coughing was just about gone & I feel totally cured, full of energy in about the end of the week, truly amazing. Colloidal silver was the other part of the "support". I paid about $38.00, well worth the cost, could not even talk with out coughing.

I forgot to mention that I used the "RESPIRATORY SUPPORT with a small amount of h2o2 in a nebulizer for about 15 minutes, several times per day, or more if I felt I needed or wanted more treatment.

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Marleyzhipz (Nevada, Mo) on 07/26/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I used to have bronchitis 2-3 times a year and it would last up to 2 months. I read on this site that you could inhale hydrogen peroxide to cure bronchitis. I bought a bottle of saline nose spray, dumped the contents and filled it with 3% peroxide. Now the moment I feel congestion in my throat, I spray 3 sprays in my mouth and breathe it deeply into my lungs. No more bronchitis for the last 4 years. This is an amazing remedy that works quickly.