Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation for Back Injury Pain

4 star (1) 

Epeach (Ga) on 05/10/2018:
4 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

H2O2 Inhalation for Back Injury

I began the H2O2 inhalation therapy about a week ago. I reduced food grade peroxide to 1.5%. I found that my throat burned (severe enough that it felt like strep), like others have complained about. As a remedy for that, I sprinkled a small pinch of baking soda in my hand with some water and sniffed it. I also mixed 1/2 tsp. baking soda with 1/2 cup of water, gargled and swallowed. I got relief within minutes.

I detoxed terribly with Lugol's, recently. I thought my system was clean. Now, I am detoxing again, although, not as severe. I have had 5 days of congestion headaches, pimples in random places, sinus stuffiness, sores in my mouth, and my eyes are discharging. I received increased energy and insomnia the first few days, as many have reported.

I am using the H2O2 inhalation for back pain and peripheral neuropathy. I have noticed some decrease in pain. I pray with continued use, I will heal completely.

I would love some feedback from others that have used H2O2 for pain.

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