Hydrogen Peroxide for Energizer

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Ciarán (Dublin) on 02/20/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi people.

I have been using food grade h2o2 for about 2 weeks and am absolutely amazed at how energised I have become since using it. Initially I did have flu like symptoms for 3-4 days but that has now ceased. I am buying h20s from an online co. in the UK through ebay. I recommend it its use in accordance with appropriate guidance. Good luck to all.


Jordan (Sacramento, CA) on 05/04/2009:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Hey everyone, I tried to use 3% food grade h2o2 for a mouthwash 2 times a day and on the second day my mouth became really dry and I got a canker sore under my tongue, but I felt really energetic. I was wondering if I should dilute it more or maybe Just try the drops instead because that's much less potent, but I'm also afraid to take it internally. Do any of you have a suggestion. I would much appriciate your feedback. I suffer from candida and would really like to put an end to it. Thanks!

Tina (Vancouver, Canada) on 04/11/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Glenys, I have been using 3% H2O2 Orally for just over a month working my way up to 25 Drops/3 times a day for 2 weeks now, and I feel great. I have been recently diagnosed with Rheumatiod Arthritis, and living with it for 1.5 yrs. It was sudden onset, and extreamly painful, to the point where I was suddenly using a cane to walk short distance's. I started feeling the positive effects right off the bat, and would definatly recomend it as worth a try. I have gone from taking a handful of pills every morning just to walk to stopping all med's including my allergy medication. The only side effects I have experienced are extreme thirst, high energy and weight loss. Also recently my muscles have become sore, because after a year and a half, I am actually using them again. I say Yeah to H2O2. Deffinatly give it a try, just remember to take on an empty stomach, and follow the drop schedule.

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Ben (Cape Town, South Africa) on 03/16/2009:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I am taking 7 drops x 3 daily after coming down from 17 x 4 daily (25 X 3 times were just too much H202 at a time) At the same time I am taking a bath in H202 daily. Sometimes I feel a little queesy. Tell me, am I overdoing the h202 intake because besides pulling my face whenever I think of H2O2 I feel just wonderfully alive. Anyone out there who knows?
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