Hydrogen Peroxide for Dechlorinating Water

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Vince (Tacoma Wa) on 07/08/2017:
1 out of 5 stars

One drop did not dechlorinate a gallon after 24 hours. I used a electronic sensor

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Marla (Atlanta, Georgia, Usa) on 02/25/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

We all know that chlorine is in most tap water, and that it's not good for us. Furthermore, when chlorine meets water or H2O2, it generates chlorine gas, which is deadly and was used as a chemical weapon by the Germans in World War I (this is the awful smell you get when cleaning with bleach water and why you should use it in well-ventilated areas emedicine.medscape.com/article/820779-overview). Because of this, it is not safe to add hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to chlorinated tap water and drink it right down for your oxygen therapy.

However, if your water ph is 7.0 or higher, H2O2 can be used to dechlorinate the water first, allow the chlorine gas to escape (www.h2o2.com/industrial/applications.aspx?pid=107&name=Dechlorination), and then the water will be safe to use for oxygen/hydrogen peroxide therapy.

Further, it only takes a single drop per gallon to dechlorinate most drinking water. (See below for math ) I have not been able to discover the time necessary for the chlorine to be fully liberated, so to be safe, I would agitate the water periodically and not use it for 24 hours or so.

How I calculated 1 drop per gallon:

1.8mg/l Cl common post-treatment level (check with your water provider for specifics)

100000 gal H2Orequires 0.2 gal 50% H202 to dechlorinate (www.h2o2.com/Calculator.aspx)

There are 90840 drops in a gallon

0.2 gal = 18168 drops 50% H2O2 to treat 100000 gal H2O with Cl

Moving the decimal gets us 1.8168 drops for 10.0000 gal

3% H2O2 is 16.666% strength of 50% H2O2, so 3% hydrogen peroxide requires 6x amount of 50%

10.9008 drops for 10 gal = 1 drop per gallon

Simple and cheap to dechlorinate your tap water at home!

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