Garlic for Fountain Of Youth Remedies

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Mia (Lyngby, Denmark) on 07/06/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Garlic is an absolute life saver for prostate cancer!

My father who is in his eighties, takes it ( crushed ) mixed with one spoonful of yoghurt every single night. He also goes for a daily walk and has plenty of rest. His memory is phenomenal. His mother died after suffering for nearly two decades from Alzheimer's.

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Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 04/29/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Garlic slows down cell production and enhances the immune system.. Thins the blood and is full of antioxidents.. In a male it can slow the production of sperm, making breeding difficult. If you are going to have surgery knock it off a couple of weeks before, or you might need tranfusions... Apart from those minor concerns, I've been taking it on and off for years and at 64 havent a line on my face... If anyone can get hold of the first edition of Omni magazine.. It has a raft of anti ageing tips.. One of the best was fractionated dna.. Left behind at the bottom of the brewing vessel and usually discarded.. This is about the only source of fractionated dna for stiching breaks in the dna sequence. It can apparently be made into biscuits. Basically it's broken and dead yeast cells. Well worth a bit of research!

Hector Villanueva (Lancaster, Ca) on 10/17/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I was told by a friend that his father was and has been taking Garlic though diffrent methods,. Chewing, leaving garlic in Honey then after months of fermenting would give it to his kids instead of cough medicine, He also leaves the Garlic in Tequila for months and each night before bed he takes a shot. He's 81 years old, rides a bicyle and has a girlfriend who is 34 years old and is now pregnant.. I have personally along with my friends and family have been taking Raw Garlic for over 5 years and I havent gotten sick.

Douglas (Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A.) on 03/03/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I'm 41 and people think I'm in my mid twenties, really.

I started using natural health remedies when I was about 12, probably younger. I learned about them from my grandmother who seems to have a kitchen antidote for all my summer ailments of fever, cold, nerve tonic; she even burned her own natural repellents.

I consider myself self- taught, and garlic is something I think no one should be without.

My studies over the years has lead me back to garlic everytime I treat an ailment for myself or recommend to someone else. From the common cold to prostate problems to longevity.

What makes garlic uniques is that it increases the potency of whatever you combine it with. For example if you take a multivitamin that has 500mg of vitamin B1, taken with garlic the potency of B1 will increase 5 to 10 times 500mg. It is the case with other essentials.

Currently, I'm taking garlic (including my multi) for a concussion after a nasty winter ice fall. Of course, I went to the hospital for treatment, nothing broken or torn, yet the pain and damage at the cellular level which doesn't show up on an X-ray, I know is there because of the dizzy spells and aches and pains I'm experiencing.

I know I need rest, water and garlic, for now.