
Foam Neck Traction Block Review: Spinal Benefits Explored

Modified on Jan 07, 2024

This is going to be a little different than what I normally write about. I've been testing a simple firm foam block product on my neck to see what effect it has on my neck and spine. It is a traction device in the way it works and that fact should have been a clue to me that it may not be as comfortable as I expected a simple foam block to be on the back of my neck.

The reason I decided to test this foam traction block, which is supposedly designed to help return a normal curve to the neck and thereby extend its benefits to areas further down the spine, is because I have been watching various chiropractors on their YouTube channels and found one that interested me and recommended use of a foam traction block to help return proper curvature to the cervical spine.

I have recently been watching several online chiropractors, one of which I have found quite interesting because he very often gets very significant improvements in his patients in just the first visit. Over the past 3 to 4 years he has been taping his patient's visits with their permission and posting them on his YouTube channel so that more people can become familiar with his chiropractic methods as well as how his methods are very positively affecting his patients.

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    List of Remedies for Foam Neck Traction Block