Hair Growth Remedies for Vitamin B Supplements

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Hermiticwonderer (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/19/2014:
1 out of 5 stars


Hey 2oldn2ys -

You are consuming a product daily that most likely has GMO ingredients!!

Nature's Bounty D-3 has the following ingredients which could very well be GMO - Soybean oil, Gelatin, Vegetable Glycerin, Corn Oil. Cholecalciferol is Vitamin D and comes from sheep's wool. & none of them are organic.

Please, contact the company and ask them specifically if they use GMO ingredients in the supplements you take so you can get a "confirmed" answer...most likely they will tell you they "source GMO free ingredients whenever possible but high GMO products like soybean oil and corn oil are GMO..blah blah BLAH"!

Protect yourself!


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