Multiple Cures Reported for Diatomaceous Earth

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Mrs. Betty (Colorado) on 04/15/2018
5 out of 5 stars

DE has really helped me very much in solving a few different issues with health. I leave a cup on the kitchen counter and add a little to food as I am cooking. It also made strong nails which I have never had before. I can't recommend it highly enough.
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Don (Ontario Canada) on 01/21/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I took DE for three months. I never missed a day, I don't know if it was the DE or not (I think it was a herxhiemer effect) but I got sick coughing up phlegm and mucus that lasted for weeks. After about three weeks I started seeing parasites in my stool. I swear I lost ten pounds of Candida. But the annoying cough wouldn't go away so I mixed my own borax mixture and started taking a tablespoon of the concentrate (1 teaspoon of borax dissolved in 1 liter of water) a day. Within a week I started dumping more parasites. Then something that I would say looked like a small scallop with thin white whisks coming off it like a sort a tail.( its hard to describe). I had some nuggets of yellowish waxy looking things come out as well My urine smelled weird. I started this initially as a candida flush but it did so much more.

1- it took away a sense of urgency to pee that I had for ten years.

2- I always was cold, now I'm comfortable.

3- I never get heartburn anymore.

At times I never felt better. I'm 58 and I really think this stuff has given me better health. Can anyone explain to me what all this was that came out of me? I am a cancer survivor and my gut tells me this was some sort of cancerous issue.

Good luck..... Don

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Mspat (Nw Fla) on 04/15/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I take DE myself, as well as my animals. The benefits are many, both to humans & animals.

I am now able to sleep through the night, after years of energy draining, up every 2 hours, sleep problems.

And the extreme swelling of my feet, ankles & legs, went away. This, & a bit of effortless weight loss, all happened within a few months. I started with half a teaspoon in a full glass of room temperature, filtered water, as soon as I got up each day. In 3 weeks, increased the DE to a tablespoon. I still take it every day & my bowels are normal again, also. Age 68.

Please, make sure that the Diatomaceous Earth is FOOD GRADE.

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Rodezmo (Westminster, Co) on 08/22/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I have been doing Diatomaceous Earth (DE) since May 14 2016. I have been doing Chlorella and Spirulina for years along with unrefined sea salt for a plethora of minerals and Vitamin C, Iodine, Vitamin D3, CoQ10, Resveratrol from Muscadine grapes, and Bromelain. I also take a strong Probiotic. I eat organically and Non-GMO primarily.

I was able to increase DE from 1 tsp to 1 TBS the 1st week and went to 2 TBS the second week. Because of my previous health regimen before starting DE I only experienced a slight headache near the end of the day for around 3 days and that quickly subsided.

I am experiencing dark hair growth in my beard and the hair on my head. Back pain is gone and nails are shiny with the North to South ridges dissipating. My skin has always shined from the previous regimen and there has been no change in that, which is great.

I sleep straight through now from DE and have experienced a bit more energy. Bowels will be a bit constipated if I fail on water consumption so I keep the hydration up and water is better than juices for that.

Initially I would wake up with a stiff neck because I would sleep so soundly that I would not move at night. That has passed.

I swear by DE. I am 66 years old and people say I pass for late 40s. I stay away from Doctors religiously. I would go for a broken bone or if I need a tooth pulled. They are good at killing you. I once worked at a Hospital in Dallas and would see several people going out the back each day in body bags. They never go out the front as it is bad for business. All those people I am sure had been treated by a doctor probably for years. The Hippocratic Oath, which they claim, to follow is nominally only with them. Hippocrates said, " Let your medicine be your food and your food be your medicine."

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Jean (Tx) on 07/25/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I use DE for my family and pets.

By the way, DE removes Fluoride and many of the other toxins in our tap water. Note my favorite vitamin supplement is Morringa Olifera leaves, Now I am growing it too. Plus, I also make it into a tea and add it to the regular tea. Morringa put all health products to shame, it is higher in vitamins, cholorphyll. I take two capsules a day. It is also a great detoxifier as well. Research it, it will blow you away. Oh, yea, Morringa Olifera seeds removes water born toxins and bacteria from all kinds of water. You will find tons of info on youtube on both DE and Morringa Olifera tree. We also take Reishi mushroom capsules. Note: DE and Collidal Silver was approve for Eboli but when these people came with the cure, they were refused for use. Take care of your health, preventive maintenance is the best cure.

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Sandy (Indiana) on 01/20/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I wondered, too, how DE could target bad bacteria, but not the good. Then I ran across the following article:

Diatomaceous Earth will not absorb beneficial bacteria simply due to the fact that DE has a negative charge and bad bacteria has a positive charge. DE will attract and absorb the bad bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc without harming anything good or beneficial.

I have been taking DE for 1 month, now! I love it! Overall, I didn't expect much, because I'm pretty healthy - I'm 70 years old and do not take any medications! So I was surprised to find that I had some aches and pains that were cured by the second day!

I started with 1 tsp. Since I was doing fine with it, I increased my dosage by 1 tsp. every 3-4 days. I was up to 1 TBSP within 10 days. About the 10th day and for several days afterwards, I felt like I was coming down with the flu. (I'm guessing it was a yeast die-off reaction. I would now recommend only increasing it by 1/2 tsp. every week, even if you're doing well with it.) I had flu-like symptoms, head cold, and I slept almost all day for several days.

It's hard to describe but amazingly, even during the time I had the "flu, " I still had a feeling of well-being! The aches and pains I'd had before were gone. And after I got past the "flu, " I've had more energy than I've had in years!

Just don't forget to drink lots of water while you're taking it.

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Ivonne (Ca, US) on 11/20/2014
5 out of 5 stars

3rd day on DE and so excited! 1st day had headaches, stomach made odd noises....yesterday felt a bit under the weather, light headache, and hot I involuntarily woke up with immense energy a whole hour and a half early! And my face and skin looks oddly youthful. I have not gone to the bathroom but nervous what I might find when I do. :P I'm doing this because I believe I have parasites. Been suffering with leaky gut, ADD, and immune problems. Already feel the difference! Thank you!
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Ray (Vendome, France) on 09/29/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I bought Diatomaceous Earth on in France but it's from UK, name Diaguard which I think very good quality. You have much more choices in than in France.

I had a nagging pain at my lower back for about 3 weeks caused by my horse who did rodeo, the stirrups came off of my feet, then he rared, I pushed his neck down so he started to canter then suddenly stopped. I slid up to his neck and rolled down on the ground. And I had dry eye especially at night while I read a book in bed and sometimes cramps on my legs or feet for about 2 years.

As soon as DE was delivered from UK, I took 1 heaped tbls in water immediately.

The lower back pain disappeared almost in a few minutes! I thought may be it was placebo.

Then in the same day at night, I noticed that I didn't have to wipe my eyes with a tissue while I read in bed anymore, and since I started to take DE, no more cramps on my legs or feet.

These benefits started to happen in just 10 days. In a mean while I had to go through healing crisis no too bad as some other people had to go through in this site.

First 3 days I had almost too much energy so I stopped taking it at night, but just in mornings as I wake up. then I suddenly I started to have a cold or flu like symptoms, nose started to block, soar throat, chilling feeling. Totally different from the first 3 days of my experience with DE.

Then the 4th day, I saw about 7 tiny white worms in my stool! Then next got less, took about a week to clear the tiny white worms that I don't know what kind.

As soon as it was cleared my energy came back again and feel great now!

My dogs also passed some worms everyday for about a week and now they seem cleared of it. My Newfoundland dog has been having trouble with hormone after she was sterilized. She pees even while she sleeps, and cries for feeling bad. My vet told me to give her the hormonal medication everyday for a week, then cut back to half then just once a week then stop. He was reluctant to use it because he said hormonal treatment is risky. She has been on it twice a year for about 9 years (now she's 12, vet is amazed and happy that she's lived that long for her giant size). But the pills stopped working suddenly for almost 8 months. She pees everywhere, I took away all the small rugs and cover large rugs with table cloth covers.

My vet said may be caused by hypothyroid. She was on it for 6 months last year then stopped because the vet said it's not too good to continue too long after her hormonal level became normal. Now after blood test, her thyroid hormone was found extremely low level again. She's on the hormone now for about 2 months.

DE was started a month ago. Now her peeing problem is almost stopping, either because she's on thyroid hormone treatment or DE or both. I really can't tell, but she hardly pees in the house anymore, could hold it to the garden.

My horses are also taking it, but I can't tell exactly what's happening to them because they stay in a horse place. In any case, I can recommend to anyone this amazing product. At least I and my dogs are having a great result!

I'm hoping that DE will help my gilding for his emphysema and my mare's arthritis. I'm giving them natural ACV also for 2 years but it seems not very effective.

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Chihuahua (Alabama, US) on 05/08/2014
5 out of 5 stars

We use Food Grade diatomaceous Earth for a myriad problems. It kills all worms including hook and tapeworm. One teaspoon in food for cats and small dog ( under 25lb) add more according to weight.

Dusting the kills fleas and ticks and all other insects even termites. Must be kept dry to kill the insects. Add to feed , such as horse feed, keeps all weevils away.

Spread in more flies. Take it yourself in a glass of water.

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Danimom (Georgia ) on 09/18/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I too have many health issues and now my children also suffer from health issues.  We started taking 1/2 teaspoon of D. E. a day mixed in water and already we are feeling better. 

The acne cleared up and my son, who has always been large, has dropped 2 pant sizes because the inflammation is coming off .

I have gone down 1 size. My oldest son, who has terrible allergies has not had to use his inhaler even once since we started and has no ill side effects.....

My mom tried it a while ago and stopped because she too got sick but she was using a lot at once and now that she sees that we are good after 3weeks she has decided to try again but at the 1/2 teaspoon dose we increased to a teaspoon after 2 weeks and will go up another 1/2 teaspoon next week. But my Dr. said no more than the 1 1/2 teaspoon's dose and then every fifth week we should stop for 2 and then start again at the 1/2 teaspoon dose.

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