Cream of Tartar

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Cream of Tartar for Prostate Inflammation

Zark (Emerald City) on 03/26/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I find Cream of Tartar very helpful in treating prostate inflammation. Dissolve in hot water between an eighth to one quarter teaspoon of Cream of Tartar (CoT), then add this to your juice. Do this morning and night.

CoT is very high in potassium and this is great for the renal system. It works quickly, within an hour or so. Make sure to dissolve in hot water as instructed as it doesn't dissolve well in cold water. If you don't dissolve it the granules are a bit too acidic as they are (I can get a canker sore), and it is also likely to not work as well.
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Cream of Tartar for Boils

Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 06/12/2012
5 out of 5 stars

It seems that its the Cream of Tartar and not the cream of Tartar and Sulpher tablets. The boil on my hip has completly cleared up. The sting was out of it quite fast. But I felt a bit iffy while taking the Cream of tartar, but you generally feel yucky with a boil anyway. It seems to do the trick.
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Cream of Tartar for Boils

Mortie (Las Vegas, NV) on 04/25/2008
5 out of 5 stars

A cure for boils that I have used since the 1960's: one teaspoon of cream of tarter, 3 doses, eight hours apart for the first day; then one teaspoon per day for 5 days. Other people have tried it and it seems to work universally. My father called it Canadian Folk Medicine. It works by correcting a potassium deficiency.