Craniosacral Therapy and Osteopathic Treatment

Modified on Apr 14, 2019

Craniosacral Therapy is a type of body work far subtler than any form of massage but which has reputed therapeutic effects that seem to resolve health issues no other allopathic or complementary and alternative medicine treatment can touch. This form of physical therapy is performed by osteopaths, osteopathy being a board-certified medical profession concerned with our bones and treatment of the body's skeleton as a holistic therapy to restore balance and flow throughout the body's systems.

The basic premise of craniosacral therapy is that there is a limited amount of movement possible between the fused bones of the skull and that therapeutic movement of these bones can change the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, restoring balance (cranial balancing) to the brain's biochemistry and thereby relieving the patient's symptoms. Health conditions frequently treated by an osteopath using craniosacral therapy: autism, migraine, chronic headache, other chronic pain conditions, tinnitus, PTSD, TMJ, insomnia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

There is much debate over the scientific and health merits of craniosacral osteopath treatment. Likewise, there is debate over the validity of the science behind osteopathic treatment in general (osteopathy was created in 1874 and craniosacral treatment in 1983). However, enthusiastic reviews are often provided by patients who undergo the treatment.

How to Choose an Osteopath for Craniosacral Therapy

Many therapists claim to offer craniosacral treatment, however, it is generally considered best to seek out a trained osteopath if you are interested in treatment. For the treatment session, you will be clothed and most likely lying on a table. The osteopathic physician will manipulate your head and possibly other bones in your head as well as in the spine and pelvis. The Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America and the Upledger Institute offer resources to help you find a trained osteopath.

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