Borax for L4-L5 Disc Bulge

5 star (1) 

Rick (Irvine California) on 10/09/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

I have a 6 millimeter posterior bulge in the L4-L5 area of my back. I had great pain whenever I lifted something, usually towards the evening. Taking advil at night would help yet the thinning of my blood taking advil would leave blood spots on my arms whenever they were bumped or scratched.

I’ve been taking boron solution for 7 years now. One teaspoon of borax into a quart of distilled water. I've been taking one teaspoon of this solution every morning and every night with meals. Which now I just remove the jar from the refrigerator and take a sip. This gives me approximately 7 milligrams of boron every day. I now have no pain when lifting and I love working on my race car and I can lift transmissions and heavy parts with no pain arriving that evening. The only reason I see so much bad publicity about boron is that big pharmaceutical industry just can’t make any money off it because it’s a cheap mineral.

All I can say is it works for me and I’m living proof of it and have the mri’s to prove it.

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