Sweden Acv Supplements for ACV: Where To Buy

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Isolda Burlesque (Manchester, UK) on 02/04/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Whilst visiting Scandinavia two years ago I visited "Overskottsbolaget," a discount store selling everything from axes to ladies underwear, lawnmowers to baked beans, and amongst the vitamins I found tubes of soluable ACV, produced by a company called 'body boost'. I had noticed that ACV was widely drunk in sweden, being available in Tetra packs in the supermarket, and was intrigued.I brought home a couple of the tubes (they were packed like sterident, in plastic tubes) and tried it. Nothing happened and I stopped using it, and for a while they languished in the back of the cupboard. Five months later I found them again and started using them, as a drink in warm water. Believe it or not I lost nearly 28 pounds in a month. I still ate as normal, never dieted, didnt do any strenuous exercise.The strange thing was I never noticed, not at first and it was other people who have said, "wow look at you loosing weight!" Not only this, I suffer from Rhuematoid Arthritis and ME ( only mildly) and during the time of taking the ACV, never had an attack of either. And, even more..a mild skin complaint cleared up and my skin and eyes looked clearer and fresher. I have no other explanation other than it being the ACV. On another visit to Sweden last August saw me emptying Overskottsbolaget of their ACV, and apparently my contacts over there say they havent seen any since! I have recently started to take it again to lose a few pounds before a function in March..fingers crossed!