Molluscum Contagiosum for Apple Cider Vinegar Baths

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Linda (Danli, Honduras) on 04/08/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I have two boys, the eldest (5) got Molluscum last year and we took him to a dermatologist inmediately..she took advantage of our worry (and ignorance) because she made it seem very awful and contagious for the baby (in the time he was 6 months). She convinced us of doing curetage, but he had to be asleep (anesthesia). It was horrible worrying and when he woke up it was terrible! We felt guilty for putting him thru that, but the dermatologist assured us it was the only way. On january this year, I noticed it was appearing on the baby (now 18m) and I wasn't going to be convinced to do it because I had read that there were natural remedies, plus it was super expensive and not covered by insureance. I searched and searched (in 3 days he had more than 60 marks, on torso and arms) and I found this site, which was truly helpful. At first I tried with the bandaids and cotton balls, but having a twitchy and wiggly toddler doesn't help (bandaids also left his skin very red). So I started bathing him with 1 cup of apple cider vinegar in his bathtub (the smell is very strong) for at least 20 min, didn't wash it out..he smelled funky but it was totally worth it! I started on feb 15 and by march 30 he had only 1 left! No squishing anything o using bandaids, just the apple cider vinergar on bath, changing towels everyday, clothes at least 3 times a day, bed sheets twice a week and vuala! We couldn't be more satisfied and grateful!