ACV and Baking Soda for Chronic Stomach Issues

5 star (1) 

Netsy (Richmond, VA) on 06/14/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

To Sandhi/Tracy: Yea or Nay??? I started using 4 tbsp BS to 8 oz water for constipation. I used it about once a week for months. Worked fine initially, but eventually totally stopped working. One day had a sense of fullness, went to restroom and passed 2 thumb-sized white shiny looking pellets that were floating. It frightened me to no end so I put on gloves and fished them out to carry to my MD. They looked hard but didn't add up to the floating. I decided to squeeze one over a piece of plastic and it broke. Looked like an accumulation of baking soda (powdery form) inside some type of membrane that was keeping it waterproofed. It amazed me but I totally stopped using BS. This is the puzzlig part. I've suffered with stomach problems for 30 years. Started out diagnosed as duodenal ulcers ended up as acid reflux. I was put on different types of meds to include intensive antibiotic treatments for H-Pylori bacteria. I ended up using only Aciphex. I couldn't explain why about a year ago I stopped having stomach pains and indigestion. I never gave it anymore thought until I came across this website and realized it was around the time I started taking the BS remedy that I stopped having pain. I'm wondering if it was the BS and if it cured my Acid Reflux because I've been pain free and off all stomach meds for over a year. I eat spicy foods, dairy products, fried foods, all without any bloating or pain.
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