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Slippery Elm, Aloe, Licorice Extract Healed Ulcer

M Haley (Jefferson) on 06/21/2017
5 out of 5 stars

My now 13 year old JackRat was showing signs of lethargy, blackening of the stomach skin, dull coat and weight loss. Her thyroid was basically non-functioning and her liver was on the blink. The Vet said she had a couple of things going on, the non-functioning thyroid which then created an imbalance in her system which then created the liver issue and somewhere along the lines she created a stomach ulcer which was bleeding. Did the usual round of antibiotics, liver support, got her on a thyroid supplement and something else. She recovered but then relasped. I started doing some research and about natural remedies and now a year later, Lucy is doing great. I make a paste out of Slippery Elm, Aloe Vera extract and licorice extract and administer this to her prior to her morning meal. She seldom has any stomach issues (gurgling sounds), has an amazing appetite, her coat is stunning and her belly skin is no longer dark. She acts several years younger. She will remain on the thyroid medication but for all outward indications, the ulcer is healed and everything seems to be functioning normally.
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Jayme (Vancouver, WA) on 09/11/2006
5 out of 5 stars

My toy poodle had an "infection of the stomach lining" when she was three. The symptoms were:
Vomiting (sometimes with little flecks of blood)

Now, she's ten and just had similar symptoms. Our vet didn't do much for her except tell me to "put her down." I didn't take their advice last time. This time, knowing what their "advice" would be, I decided to search what those symptoms would be called in a human. Peptic Ulcer was the result. For humans, the recommended dosage was 45 drops of each for the Cat's Claw extract and Bilberry extract as well as 2-3 Slippery Elm pills.

I did 1/3 of the dose for a human and it works like a charm. :) Advice I have for those of us who are pet guardians: Make a list of the symptoms, get an animal communicator (www.communicationswithlove.com was who I used) to talk to your animal, then search for a cure for humans rather than dogs.