Thunderstorm Phobia in Dogs: Natural Therapy

Modified on Jul 15, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team

Natural Remedies to Help Terrified Dogs During Thunderstorms
For dogs, thunderstorm anxiety (astraphobia) can be almost a given, at least when they're puppies. Fortunately, a few pet care tips can help you get your dog accustomed to the idea of thunderstorms, and even if your adult dog still has a thunderstorm phobia.

Homeopathy for dogs is one potential solution. Gelsemium is a great homeopathic remedy for pets that will help to alleviate their fear or uneasiness when they are anticipating a certain type of event. It's great for thunderstorm phobia in dogs, but this treatment can also be used after a frightening experience in those cases where your pet is showing signs of being lethargic or is shaky as a result of what happened, or just for dogs with anxiety in general.

Thunderstorm Anxiety Remedies

Other home remedies for your dog's storm-related anxiety include a so-called thunder jacket for dogs or thunder shirt, which is simply a snug-fitting garment that "hugs" your pet in a way that calms its anxiety. The concept has clinical acceptance in pets and people too and is similar to swaddling in babies. Flower remedies and soothing scents are among other natural options to soothe and end your dog's thunderstorm phobia.

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List of Remedies for Thunderstorms