Tear Stain Remover for Dogs

Modified on Sep 12, 2017 | Earth Clinic Team

Certain breeds of dogs are prone to develop tear stains around their eyes. Breeds that commonly suffer from excessive tear stains are Pugs, Bichon Frise, Maltese, and Pekingese, along with Poodles and Cocker Spaniels. While unattractive, tear stains will not affect your dog's health. The most common cause of tear stains is eye irritation. Any fur that grows too closely to the eyes can cause irritation, which then results in tearing. Other conditions that might cause excessive tearing include glaucoma or problems with the eyelid or eyelashes. Another cause for a dog's tear staining is blockage of the puncta (tear drainage holes), which could be the result of injury or infection of the eyes.

Home Treatment for Tear Stains

There are some treatments to cure tear stains that you can do simply and inexpensively using remedies you may already have in your home. These include keeping your dog's eyes clean by carefully trimming the fur around the eyes so it cannot cause irritation. Other home remedies include adding a touch of vinegar to your dog's water bowl and herbs. Below you will read more recommendations from our wonderful contributors!

If you have any more remedies to cure Tear Stains in Dogs, please share them with us!

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List of Remedies for Tear Stains