Stool Issues in Pets: Natural Remedies

Modified on Jun 25, 2014

What to Do if Your Find Blood in Dog Stool & Other Feces Issues
A change in your dog or cat's feces is often the first indication that your pet may be sick or have a digestive ailment. Find out what to do for blood or mucus in dog stool or cat stool and what watery stools mean for your pet as well as home remedies you can use to get your pet healthy.

Mucus in the Stools: If your pet has mucus in his/her stools, it may be an indication of irritation in the stomach lining and large intestine. Mucus in stools can come from a number of factors ranging from food allergies to ingesting poisons or chemicals, or eating rotten food or garbage. Mucus in the stool can also come from parasite infestations like hookworm, whipworm, roundworm or tapeworm.

Watery stools or diarrhea generally indicate infection by a virus or bacteria, but other factors such as anxiety, excitement, or changes in diet can cause a watery stool as well. If there seems to be a problem, start by withholding food and water, but very carefully watch for signs of dehydration, the greatest concern for your pet with watery stool. Afterwards, a bland diet containing cooked rice with chicken can often help heal the stomach lining.

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    List of Remedies for Stool Issues