Skin Issues for MMS

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Sandra (Michigan ) on 08/03/2021:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi my name is Sandra. My dog Louis was groomed at 9 months old and was razor burned. Antibiotics didn't heal him. Got worse. Finally took to different Vet who put him on a compounded Cancer drug. Was systemic. Today Louis is 10 years old. I have been putting MMS in his water bowl for months now. My white little dog with the inflamed skin is now normal. Using small amounts of MMS daily, 2 drops, he has returned to normal. The MMS is a water purifier. It purifies our bodies like it does anyone taking it. It can and does cause die off of parasites, mold, fungus, we injest. Louie did have diarrhea for a short time. Probiotics, yogurt and canned pumpkin helped with that., 360-748-4426, talk to Talor. She is the best and will answer questions. Understand I am not saying Taylor is a doctor or is giving medical advice. Taylor can give suggestions, do as you please with her suggestions. A set of MMS and activator is around $48 and will last a long time. I put it in my water. Been using it going slow now for months. Finally got rid of the bloat around my middle.

Oh, they sell some great books also. Ones the big pharma don't want you to know about! Ask Taylor or look it up on the website.

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