Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey for Pyometra

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4 star (7) 

Leigh (PA) on 01/21/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

My 12 year old miniature schnauzer was diagnosed with pyometra on Monday. She had been spotting for about a month and suddenly started limping and couldn’t walk hardly at all. She also stopped eating. The vet said she would die without surgery which would cost $3600-5500.

After finding a natural remedy of honey, turmeric and vitamin c, we decided that it couldn’t hurt to try. I also added a 1/3 capsule of garlic to each dose. We gave her five doses the first day and three the following days so far. I gave her Pedialyte every hour with a dosage syringe to keep her hydrated. The first few days she didn’t eat and it seemed as if it was hopeless. I started making plans to put her down but wanted the kids to be able to come home from winter camp and say their goodbyes first.

Thursday morning she peed and pooped and ate something. When the kids got home that day, she was so excited she even walked a little. This morning is Friday. She peed outside, walked all the way into the house, and ate a small breakfast. She has bled ALOT of the infection out over the last few days. I can’t believe that she is so much better.

I plan on continuing the treatment three times a day until she stops bleeding then weaning her off it. It’s taken A LOT of nursing this week, but I do believe this treatment and God’s grace with prayer have healed our little pet.

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Brebigmomma (Indiana) on 09/10/2021:
5 out of 5 stars

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey for Pyometra -This really works its amazing

On March 21 my dog pretty much stopped eating she lost a lot of weight and I share a dog w my sister and my sister took her 2 the vet & they told her she had a false pregnancy and sent her home w meds and a month later my sister took her back cuz she still wasn't better. The vet sent her home w antibiotics and inflammation Meds. Our dog is 10yrs old & again our dog was not getting better. Her vet should have caught this. The last time she went, she had a lot of the symptoms of pyometra. 3 weeks ago, she started leaking the infection out and I looked up what was going on. Well, our dog's been on the remedy protocol for about a week, maybe a Lil less, and the infection is almost gone.

I read a review on here about adding cinnamon and antibiotics w the remedy so that's what I've done. As of right now, her infection is almost clear and not as much is leaking out of our dog. This remedy is the best... her vet couldn't even catch this.

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Hannah M (Houston) on 07/23/2021:
4 out of 5 stars

Hi, My girl of 11 has open pyometra. I called the vet and they said to take her to er, I did not have $2000 for the surgery so I did research and stumbled upon this site. I found out that I had everything except for Manuka honey. She was still eating luckily but drinking a lot. Her eyes were rolled back and I panicked. and I started her on the regiment. 4x day on the first. The next day her eyes were normal. I did it 4 times a day for 3 days.

For the first 3 days, she was discharging pus and on the 4th it was just blood. My question is how long does it take for the infection to heal? What are the stages of healing, does it go from pus to just blood and then stop? How long do I do this? any advice would help.

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Nicole (California ) on 05/19/2021:
4 out of 5 stars

How long do your dogs have the pus/blood discharge from when you start this remedy?

So my dog has been sick for about 5 days. Her stomach has been bloated and hard the past two days. She drinks water but doesn’t really want any food. Yesterday I stumbled on this page when I was looking up reddish discharge. I gave her the first does last night and in the morning her butt was in a puddle of pus/blood and her stomach was no longer swollen. She seems more energetic and has a higher spirit and has started to eat and play. Her discharge now is just blood. Is this normal? If so about how long does the blood continue to discharge?

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Tab (Va) on 04/18/2021:
5 out of 5 stars

I have a 4 yr old Shitzu Yorkie and I believe she may have pyometra. She is discharging a mucus like discharge that is yellowish brown. I first noticed it yesterday and called 2 pet hospitals and they all said to bring her in but I am low on funds and we are leaving for harpoon in a few days. I saw the video on YouTube about the Manuka Honey, Turmeric, and vitamin C and went to the store to get the ingredients. I started the remedy last night with one dose because it was pretty late.

Also gave her 1/4 of a Tylenol tablet to make sure she wasn’t in pain or had a fever. I will continue using this remedy until our flight and will take her to the vet on base ASAP. Will this remedy keep her in the clear until then?

Also, as a second option, I have 300 mg capsules of Clindamycin from when my pit Bull had a skin infection. Is it ok to open the capsule and give my dog only part of the capsule since she is a smaller dog? Please help.

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Bordbldrs (Aynor, South Carolina) on 06/26/2020:
0 out of 5 stars

I tried the Manuka honey and tumeric and vitamin C mix for my dogs Pyometra and followed the correct dosing per my dog's weight and it did not work at all. Some of the infection discharged but her abdomen kept getting bigger and bigger and she finally lost the battle. All happened in a matter of couple weeks. From time I took her to the vet and got antibiotics for her but could not afford the $2000 surgery so I found this site with the natural remedy and I am saddened to say it did not work at all for my dog. She just kept progressively got worse with her condition. I would think before I trusted this remedy with my pets life with this concoction. If it worked for you then hallelujah but it did not for me and I lost my pet.
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Cathy (Hayward, CA) on 03/01/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you earthclinic you gave me hope to take care of my chihuahua who is suffering from the effect of Pyometra. It started as a closed Pyometra. She is so sick the vet clinic encouraged me to have her an emergency spayed but the expenses I can’t afford much with the thought of losing her but I read on your website and give me big hope that I will be able to take care of her so from closed I make sure she is comfortable and placed low warm setting on the warmer and started with the concoction and antibiotics from the vet office then it became an open Pyometra then the tummy shrink and make sure she is clean all the time then a day or 2 my dog start eating on her own and start recovering just waiting for her to get stronger and will do the spayed this time not emergency and have better chance of recovery.
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Wendy (Philippines) on 05/26/2019:
4 out of 5 stars

Thank God I found this page, I immediately went out to buy Turmeric. Our 10 yo lab was bloated, not eating (and that's a major red flag because she's a big eater), and then it progressed to limping and unable to use her hind legs. She was diagnosed with arthritis but the vet already suspected she also had pyometra (she didn't have discharges when I brought her) because she said our dog exhibited signs. We requested bloodwork and it was found she has an infection. She was put on antibiotics for 10 days. It's our 5th day today, she was just there lying all day and can't get up. Today, she ate a piece of the meat I gave her, but not much. but it was an improvement because she would refuse anything I'd give her until today. Still, I was desperate. I had even thought of having her put down but I just couldn't shake off the feeling that there must be some natural remedies. And I found this page! I don't have Manuka honey, I only have raw honey atm. Will this be okay? Also, since our Chiquita is already on antibiotics, is it okay to supplement it with your 3-ingredient formula?
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AmericanBulldogger (Huntsville, Alabama) on 03/26/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Our 11yr. old American Bulldog finished up what was an extra long heat cycle about a month ago. Two weeks after the heat cycle ended, we noticed a clear discharge with a few sparse drops of diluted blood.

At the time, we just thought she might have a slight case of vaginitis or a mild UTI, so we gave her some d- mannose, since it is known for helping to combat UTI's, esp those caused from E-Coli bacteria. I also had some berberine on hand, but it was 1200mgs per capsule and berberine is a very powerful substance derived from the herb, golden seal. I sprinkled half a capsule on a peanut butter sandwich, along with the d - mannose and after a few days treatment, she cleared up and was fine with no further discharge. Fast forward to a few weeks later and a few days ago. My husband and I noticed she seemed mopey, but late Saturday evening, she had an accident in the floor (which she never does).

She's always had good bladder control, but being 11yrs. old, I thought may be just age related or perhaps recurring UTI. Then as I was cleaning up, I noticed it had a very diluted bloody appearance and was looking somewhat like her heat- cycle discharge. As the night and following Sunday wore on, the discharge became thicker & heavier. So much so that I had to put a doggie diaper lined with a couple of paper towels. Sorry for the gross description, but it looked very much like a creamy tomato soup. I knew this was not good!

I took her temperature several times, but it was always perfectly normal. There was no fever, but she seemed lethargic and weak in the rear legs. She was eating and drinking ok. As a matter of fact, she was drinking more and more. I knew that was a pretty sure sign of infection and was frightened at the thoughts that it might possibly be pyo.

I started researching to see if there were any natural or homeopathic treatments. I found the natural manuka honey, tumeric & vitamin c remedy here, so I was hoping it would make her better or at least buy us some time, until the vet re-opened on Monday morning. Since we show our dogs, we normally give them a variety of supplements and I happen to have powdered vitamin c on hand, along with turmeric in the spice cabinet. I remembered seeing Manuka honey at Whole Foods. We drove there and picked up the raw Manuka honey. I also started giving her more d-mannose, as I had read that E Coli bacteria is usually a main culprit with pyo, I mixed and administered the ingredients. I was afraid she was going to protest, but she seemed to be ok with the taste.

This Monday morning we awoke and took her out to potty. She had a nice, normal bowel movement and seemed to be feeling a little better. The discharge had slowed and was lighter. Even though our girl seemed better, we decided to go ahead and take her to the vet. We really didn't have money for the vet visit, as both mine and my husband's vehicles are needing major engine repairs. It's definitely a financial set back, but we scraped together what money we could, even dipping into our grocery funds. We promptly took our girl to the vet as soon as they opened. I told them I thought she might have open pyo and asked before we got started, if they would work something out with us regarding payment arrangements. We have always had a good relationship with our vet and even though their policy is to request full payment when services are rendered, they agreed to let us pay a down payment of what we scraped together and make the rest in payments. I would just like to say to others out there.. don't be afraid to ask your vet about a payment plan if your dog needs surgery. Some may not be accommodating, but some will. It never hurts to ask. I gave our vet a rundown of everything.

I told her about this natural treatment, the supplements and ingredients used and she was ok with it. They did bloodwork, took a couple of x-rays and took a sample of the discharge to view under the microscope. Our girl was dx'd with open pyo. The x-rays clearly showed the engorged uterus. They did the emergency spay surgery this afternoon and our dog came through just fine. She did so well, instead of keeping her overnight as planned, they actually allowed her to come on home. I

am so grateful to have found the info here, as I truly believe the doses of manuka honey, tumeric & vitamin c helped strengthen her for the surgery and I feel it could continue to work in conjunction with her current treatment, to help enhance the healing process. Many thanks to whoever came up with this formula and best of wishes to those going through this with their beloved pets. Pyometra is a nasty and scary thing!

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Jessica G. (Greenville, OH) on 01/09/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Hello! I want to thank you for your post on remedies for pyometra! Our pug/Yorkie mix was diagnosed with pyometra and given only a couple of days to live without emergency surgery. Even then my vet was doubtful she would survive. I scoured the internet and found your website and gave her the exact doses recommended. I also included organic bone broth and cooked chicken with the medicine. She gobbled it right up. The other doses I would give to her I put in a syringe mixed with a little bit of bone broth to help liquefy it a bit. In 3 days she was up on her feet, eating, drinking and being her normal playful self!!! I could not believe it!! I did continue to give her the recommended doses for almost 10 days but reduced them down from 4 times a day to 3 then to once in the morning and once in the evening. Thanks again for this post. I will be sharing about my experience and about your website on my blog for sure!! Sincerely, Jessica G.
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