Xylitol Warning In Pets for Poisonous Pet Foods

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Patricia (Decatur, Ar) on 03/21/2010
1 out of 5 stars


This is ABOLUTELY true. Xylitol will definitely poison your pets. My labrador who was around 50 pounds at the time went into seizures and then a coma after ingesting mints with Xylitol in them. She was immediately taken to our vet. If it hadn't been for his quick response, she would have died. This product is so harmful to animals it should not be in the house at all. I didn't know it was harmful at all until this happened! I check every mint label now before I buy it. Of course, I think it should be taken off the market. Xylitol is worse than any other product our pets can get into. I have never see such a sudden reaction. Pet lovers please beware!
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Kay (USA) on 05/16/2008
1 out of 5 stars


Hi, I posted this before but I don't think it went through so here it is again. A few weeks ago on the news I was shocked to hear that two pet ferrets had died only hours after eating one piece of sugar free chewing gum. There is a sugar substitute in the gum called Xylitol that caused the deaths of these pets, it is said to be even more dangerous then chocolate for dogs, cats, ferrets and all animals. It is found in Gum, Candy, Toothpaste and other things. I felt the need to share this as it may save your pets life. Please put your gum and candy out of reach. Google it for yourself, there is so much information on the Dangers of Xylitol in Pets.