Pepto Bismol for Parvo

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

David (Cedar Springs, Michigan) on 07/05/2010
5 out of 5 stars

This pepto treatment worked for my dog I also was giving him electrolyte water every hour now he is eating and drinking on his own.
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Tom (Fountain, Colorado) on 12/31/2009
5 out of 5 stars

several years ago we had a puppy that came down with parvo. we figured he would die, since the vet had told us that it would cost over $300.00 and no guarantee he would live. So I decided to give him pepto bismol, since that was what we take. A no win situation. We gave it to him forcibly for two days. one table spoon every four hours. to our surprise in three days he was eating and drinking (at first we had to force the water on him) and like the puppy we had before. Hope this helps.