Diatomaceous Earth for Parasites And Worms

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Neil Dailey (Morgantown, WV) on 05/05/2024
5 out of 5 stars

Yes the diatomaceous earth was working and doing what it does. Parasites come out whichever way or end that's convienent as the parasite needs to come out of. You stopped the progress entirely when you stopped the DE.
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Helen (Sioux Falls ) on 07/10/2023
5 out of 5 stars

I mixed diatomaceous earth, 1 teaspoon with his food, because I thought he might have a parasite. The next day he threw up this mucus and it had a little bit of blood in it and there was a worm. I think it was a tapeworm that came out about 12 inches long. So I took him to the vet and I put what he threw up in a baggie and we were in the room waiting for the doctor to come back in and I asked her what it was and she says we don’t know what it was and I ask her can I have it back so I can find somebody that knows what it is and she said that they had already thrown it away. Every time I take my dog to a vet I tell them about the diatomaceous earth, and they’re all against it but after my dog did the diatomaceous earth, he gained weight he was healthy, running around like a wild dog. He was having fun again. Also, my Maltese had ear mites, and my Dog Groomer said to use diatomaceous earth and I did and they’re all gone now.
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Katzie (Calgary, Canada) on 07/05/2023
5 out of 5 stars

Just last week I adopted an approx 3-month old chihuahua. I was just thinking about adopting another dog (I lost my previous one), after grieving was over. So I picked my little sweetie up and took her home. She was warm to the touch and had a distended belly.

So I thought of Diomataceous Earth and started to put 1tsp/2x day, sprinkled onto her food. Within 24 hrs she was no longer warm, belly was way less swollen and her poopies-daloopies were semi-solid. 4 days later and all was well. In fact, I read that it is beneficial for us adults to have 1 tbsp/day, and for my puppy to have 1 tsp/day - and both of us will continue this forever. I think parasites are the caused of alot of our ill health issues and we just haven't proven or learned it yet.

I just wanted to let people know that there is a natural, and dirt cheap, way of quickly deworming your pet. I will keep my sweetie on 2 tsp/day for 60 days, so as to take carr of any eggs, then 1 tsp furever. I will also be using my beloved D.E. for if she ever gets any fleas or ticks. Just two of its wonderful effects. And I never would have heard of it without this site!

Stay well, everybody
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Chris (Milton, Fl) on 09/30/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you! That is very good advice I have not at all considered. My cats always have fresh water in- and outdoors.

After now giving Blu 1/2 tsp DE in wet food mixed in with water for 3 weeks twice a day the tapeworms are gone.

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Chris (Milton, Florida) on 08/30/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Started treatment for our cat yesterday and put about 1/2 tsp of DE on his wet food twice. This morning I could not see ONE tapeworm raising its ugly head!! Will keep it up 3x/day for at least another week and then report back.
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Hippocrates (Odin, Missouri, USA) on 04/29/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Hello all, A dirt poor friend of mine once had a Labrador puppy under a year old that had massive tapeworms. It was just skin and bones. So, not having money to take it to the vet and not wanting to see it die, and not having Diatomaceous Earth on hand, I had him go outside and take some Perlite (garden section of stores) and crush it into a fine, fine powder. I had him make a simple white gravy, mix in one teaspoon into the gravy and put it on his food. This was done twice a day.

Shortly after it started gaining weight, and was back to normal within the month, during which time I had him continue it for, just to make sure any eggs that might hatch would be dead.

D.E. and Perlite are similar in the physical mechanism in which they act upon the worms as an abrasive, killing them.

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Lithrassa (Los Angeles, California) on 05/09/2010
5 out of 5 stars

my dog is susceptible to tapeworms, even with flea medicine. he's 6 and gets tapeworms once, sometimes twice, a year. i was tired of spending $75.00 each time i went to the vet for the pill. plus, i wanted to give him a natural treatment. i tried the pumpkin seeds and they worked okay. i read about diatomaceous earth and thought i'd try it. i'm so glad i did! it worked wonders. my dog is 90 lbs. so i gave him 2 heaping tablespoons in his food and later that day his stool had pieces of dead tapeworms and 1 live one. the next day i gave him 1 tablespoon and later that day his stool had only dead pieces. the third day (today) his stool was clean. so it only took two days. i gave him another tablespoon today just to be safe and i think i'll continue for another day or two just to clean out his system, but thank you for this wonderful suggestion. oh, and it costs just cents per tablespoon! nice bonus.
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Patti (Coconut Creek, Fl) on 04/10/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I wanted to add I give my horses and dog DE for parasite control. I've taken it myself from time to time, too. It's very important to know that there is a Food Grade DE ....and there is diatomaceous earth product that is sold for use in pool filters. That product is toxic. Be sure to buy Food Grade diatomaceous earth.
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flicka_sugar (Pahrump, Nevada) on 07/28/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I use diatamaceous earth (or dirt as I affectionately call it) with all my animals. I have horses and cattle who get 1oz/day in the spring and fall and 2oz/day in the summer to help with fly control. The nice side benefit is I also have less problems with parasites when they are on this. I also give it to my pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, geese, alpacas, dogs, and cats. it works great and the farrier even comments on how little pest problems we have compared to other farms, which is nice to have few flies with all the animals. Also because of the effect on parasites and our local weather I only have to strongly deworm about 2x per year instead of deworming every 8 weeks for the horses and such.
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Jody (OH) on 12/23/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Dimataceous earth, not sure about the spelling on that... If you add a tbsp of dimataceous earth to an adult dog's, and a tsp to a puppy's food on a daily basis you will eliminate most parasites. You also can rub it into their fur for flea control as well. I have a kennel and have used this method for a long time and it works well.