Nerve Damage

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Question About Dmso Dosage for a Cat

Whollyfool (Farmington, Mi) on 06/08/2010

What is the best way to give a cat DMSO for nerve regeneration? I have seen people refer to rubbing it on the cat and giving it internally, but I haven't seen a dosage for either.... Does anyone have a success story?


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Kathy (Morrice, Mi) on 02/26/2008
5 out of 5 stars

My cat broke her back 10 weeks ago and hasn't walked since. Her spinal cord was not severed but only had limited use of one back leg. I rubbed DMSO mixed with aloe vera 3 times daily and within 3 days, the leg with no nerve responses started twitching and she started moving it. On the 4th day, she stood up twice. Still not walking but getting more use of both legs and making progress. I don't believe it was coincidence. I started rubbing on peroxide over back today to oxygenate her system and help with regeneration. DMSO is miraculous and FDA should not stop it's use.