Metronidazole for Pet Medication Side Effects

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Ayre (Wi) on 05/17/2016
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Metronidazole -Warning- We feel our dog was hyper sensitive to this drug. Became suddenly blind-

Investigate side effects before allowing your dog to have any drugs- We wonder why the vet doesn't provide a warning sheet.? Why doesn't the FDA require this with pet meds? Our loving 7 yr old welsh terrier- we believe had a toxic reaction to this drug- our vet had prescribed this- and gave her another dose of this as she was being released from an overnight stay-when we arrived home and placed her in the house- she immediately was having a bad reaction, going in circles under the table, along the wall-we picked her up-and held her she seemed to calm down, she then rested-So we thought she was o.k.- the next morning took her out to relieve herself-she acted like she was blind!!! . Now totally confused, wobbly, -took her for a 2nd opinion they confirmed that she was now blind- due to optic neuritis inflammation- and that we should see a specialist at the emergency clinic-Went to the ER clinic- they briefly looked at her-and the tech decided she wasn't serious enough-and that the earliest appt was the next day- by the time the specialists were able to see her-it was now 2 days later. This new clinic ran lots of blood work- for $1200.00- We found out she tested positive for Lymes Disease. As we began to investigate her conditions and symptoms on line- Under METRO we saw the warnings- which she had now developed-sudden blindness, Neurologic symptoms, head tilt, confusion. 1)Our first vet administered this on a empty stomach-suppose to be given with food- we now learned 2)Not to be given when Lymes disease is present-which we later found she had 3) she now also had new liver damage due to the steroids she was given too. We feel our dog was poisoned, and mis- diagnosed, in error. Looking back (too late)We wondered why she wasn't put on emergency iv's to flush this out of her system?

To make a long story short- we had to put our sweetheart to sleep.

After looking online-We also brought these printouts of warnings in to the emergency clinic-neuro Dr's attn-at our first appt- she dismissed all of our concerns- and said "Not Likely"

As a final note- We never had to take a pet for advanced care before-(and hope we never do again)-for we have lost faith in professional vet medicine. They instead insisted we restart this drug- and they wanted a liver biopsy, MRI and spinal tap-(that next night when our dog was crying out in pain (it was suggested she was actually not in pain??? perhaps instead- out of her mind- and not coherent?)We weren't going to allow her to be a lab rat-anymore- we knew we must take her back to our new local vet and put her down- For Ayre- No more sorrow no more pain- but we feel this was really botched up.