Supplements for Liver Disease

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Showing 4 Star Reviews

Kay-marie (Linonia, Mich) on 02/02/2010
4 out of 5 stars

My sweet Siberian husky was sick and we took him to an animal emergency and could barely afford the blood work. They said it was his liver and it would cost over $2000 for IVs, ultrasound, and days in the hospital. We went home with 2 kinds of antibiotics, sam-e, only 2 days worth, and told to get him to a vet. We are broke. I got him milk thistle and gave him 250 mg Esther-C, 400 vitamin E, milk thistle, and 200mg sam-e. and have hand (gentle "force") some oatmeal and salmon. (You see, the vet never said anything about diet for liver problems either.) However we offer him water and he takes it and I am able to get a little food now and he was not expected to make it to Tuesday and here we are. I hope we can lovingly nurse him gently back to a healthier state. when they were informed we had not the thousands and our "care credit was denied we were offed euthanasia, but we all felt that our Vladimir deserved any chance we could give. I spoon feed him and give him water. This dog is the best. When we lived in a dangerous area of Detroit and he heard gunfire he would, without any direction or a word, just quietly get up on his own and lay across the front door.

I have been up many nights to help our precious dog. It is not a burden, but a blessing to care for him.