Lugol's Iodine for Itchy Skin

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Arpad Schummer (Oh) on 12/15/2018
5 out of 5 stars

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Posted by Heather (Georgetown, Ontario Canada) on 04/13/2015

Hi There,

I have an 18 yr old Tabby. He isn't eating much and has arthritis in his back legs. We just had him to the Vet and his blood tests were largely inconclusive. The Vet advised that he was slightly anemic which according to the Vet is not uncommon in senior cats. I am a big fan of DMSO. Is it possible to give DMSO to cats? And if the answer is "yes" could you recommend a dosage.

Many Thank, Heather

This isn't exactly in regards to cancer, but! A few years ago my feline "Baby", started losing her fur and was itching terribly. The vet ran tests and had us try various diets using very expensive foods etc., then he tried drugs like prednisone, ointments applied topically etc.. All to no avail. The poor girl never slept and cried all the time. I had recently discovered, iodine I filled a one ounce spray bottle halfway with Betadine iodine and the rest of the way with distilled water, and sprayed her all over. I didn't rub it in because her skin was raw and the poor thing cried because I'm sure it burned.

After a few minutes she calmed down and went to sleep. I got scared & thought she'd died but she was sound asleep. The next day her skin was drying up & covered with scabs. I was afraid she'd start licking herself as the Betadine contains caustic soda. so I dumped it out and made a new batch using "Lugol's" 2%" Iodine/potassium iodide in the same ratio and sprayed her lightly all over again. After a few days her fur began growing back and her problems disappeared.

I've read that when cells replicate they can become cancerous cells if there isn't any iodine within the cell. I've read that we're likely all deficient in iodine due to the toxic halogens like chlorine, bromine and fluoride which is referred to by scientists as "The Most Violent Protoplasmic poison Known To Science"! Iodine is also a halogen. The only good halogen. It's stored in the thyroid and hypothalamus glands. In the absence of dietary iodine they'll fill up with the toxic ones.

Many books on the subject are available at low cost from Amazon. Just download the free Kindle app and you can purchase & download books at low cost, many books are free. I've used a product in the past called "Soothanol" which is DMSO and it worked very well on my torn rotator cuff and my worn out knees.

I wish you luck in your quest.