Hot Spots for Burrows Solution

5 star (2) 

Lauren (Sagle, ID) on 06/09/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

After trying so many things for my Lab's hot spot this year, burrows solution was the best. I agree!!

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Theresia (Roswell Georgia) on 07/04/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Our yellow lab gets hot spots every year. Normally she has been taken to the vet for corticosteroid shots and benadryl orally. It always comes back. This year I bought hair trimmers, trimmed the areas and made a mixture of burrow's solution - DOMMEBORO, available at drug stores (mix 1 package with 10 ounces of water) and about 10 drops of tea tree oil. I placed this mixture in a spray bottle and sprayed the areas twice a day (morning and evening). In about 4-5 days the black 'scabs' began to fall off revealing healthy skin underneath. I continued to spray the area until all traces of the hot spots were gone.
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