Underweight Horse Remedies

Modified on Aug 05, 2016 | Earth Clinic Team

Is your horse underweight despite your best efforts to keep your animal healthy and well-fed? A number of natural approaches to your horse's overall health and specifically its gastrointestinal health may correct your equine's weight issues and provide all-around health benefits.

Nervous animals, parasitic infections, digestive issues, and missing dietary nutrients are just the start of a long list of potential root causes for your horse's low-weight condition. Trying a few additions to its diet, or a wholesale change in diet, might turn the animal's health around without more expensive veterinary tests or procedures.

Natural Cures: Among other natural remedies, adding apple cider vinegar to your horse's feed or water may help improve its nutritional intake or help it fight off parasites and/or infections that are keeping it underweight. Earth Clinic users also suggest the use of Karo syrup to quickly increase caloric intake.

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List of Remedies for Underweight Horses