Removing Contaminants from Fur

Modified on Jan 01, 2017 | Earth Clinic Team

Obviously we as pet owners cannot be with our furry friends 24/7 and as a result they sometimes are capable of getting into trouble when we aren't around. If our cat or dog has snuck into a garden shed or garage, or has gotten out of the yard and gone exploring, there's no telling what kinds of messes they may get themselves into.

Think for a moment of all the different substances that can be found in your very own garage or back yard. Now think about how difficult it will be to remove some of those things from your pet's fur if and when they do happen to get mixed up in them. Let's go through a few different scenarios so that we can provide you with some easy, home made solutions.

Let's say for instance that your pet has been rolling around in or rubbing itself against some type of oil-based paint or motor oil. A natural solution, and one much less harsh than using something like turpentine, is to use a Vegetable or Mineral Oil to remove the substance. This will definitely be time consuming but in the end will do the trick. Rub large amounts of oil into the fur and use paper towels to absorb any excess. You may need to repeat the process several times in order to remove all of the paint or motor oil. Once you have finished, use Flour or Powdered Starch to absorb the substance. Use a wide-toothed comb to remove the mixture and then use a diluted dish detergent to bathe the animal and eliminate any remaining oil and powder.

If your pet has come into contact with tar, then you will want to use some Petroleum Jelly or Crisco Shortening to soften it up. Let it soak in until the tar is softened and then you will be able to wipe it away with paper towels. Repeat the process as often as necessary and afterwards wash your pet with soap and water.

To remove latex paint or wax from your pets fur, use ice to harden the area of hair that you are dealing with and this should make it nice and easy to peel most of the substance away with your fingernails. Wash the rest of it out with soap and water and you're good to go!

If your pet has an issue with bubble gum stuck in its fur, use your fingers to work some Peanut Butter into the problem area and gently separate the hair from the gum. The oils in the peanut butter will help to break up the bubble gum making it easier to remove. (This is also a great trick for children with the same problem!)

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List of Remedies for Fur Contaminants