Natural Flea Control

Modified on Feb 06, 2024

Natural flea control remedies for pets include apple cider vinegar, borax, dish soap and salt.These remedies can safely be used on pets or around the home.

If you have pets, likely you have dealt with fleas at one time or another. Not only are fleas a nuisance, they can transmit disease, cause a pet constant misery and even cause anemia in a severely infested pet. A dog or cat that is constantly scratching is not only uncomfortable, if the skin is broken during scratching, infection can result. Fortunately, our readers have submitted dozens of options for effective natural treatments for fleas!

Traditional over the counter and prescription flea treatments commonly come with side effects ranging from mild to severe reactions, not to mention the expense of such treatments. "Flea Bombs" can also cause side effects for pets and their owners. Chemicals used by professional pest control companies have been linked to severe side effects in some people. The top home remedies for fleas that you will find here at Earth Clinic are much safer and much less expensive for you, your dogs, and your cats. It is likely that you have one or more of these treatment options in your home right now.

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    List of Remedies for Fleas