The Best Natural Remedies for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

Modified on Jan 29, 2024

Having a cat diagnosed with FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) can be frightening. Cats with FIV can become very sick. FIV can cause death. Fortunately natural remedies can be surprisingly helpful for FIV. Apple cider vinegar, coconut oil and dietary changes can strengthen the immune system and fight the virus itself.

FIV symptoms start out as mild lethargy, anorexia, fever, and swollen lymph-nodes. As the disease progresses these symptoms may disappear, and your cat may appear normal for a number of months to years; but the last stage is known as feline acquired immune deficiency (FAIDS), which makes the cat susceptible to infection and disease which can cause death.

A proper diagnosis of FIV from a vet or lab is important so that you know what you are dealing with. Antibiotics do not work for viruses however, and would only be used in the case of a secondary bacterial infection resulting from a depressed immune system. A very sick cat may benefit from IV fluids before any home treatments are used.

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    List of Remedies for Feline immunodeficiency Virus