Tumors for Essiac Tea

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Michael (Colorado) on 04/01/2024
5 out of 5 stars

I think the herbs you make a tea is the best choice. You can look into https://genuineessiac.com/ as they have the advanced formula and information on why their 8 herb formula is better then the 4 herb formula. Loads of testimonials on their web page. All the best
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Jerry C (Sand Springs, Oklahoma) on 08/24/2021
5 out of 5 stars

To receive all the benefits of Essiac tea, it must be left to steep 12 hours in a covered pot.
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Flower's Mom (Pueblo Of Acoma, Nm) on 07/13/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Jessa,

I administered Essiac for one of my older dogs who had developed a few small tumors. I gave her the tea orally every day as well as rubbing the tea bags over the lumps before putting them into the compost. The tumors reacted to the treatment by first getting bigger, and then by opening up and draining before they really showed any signs of shrinking or drying up. During the time when they were draining, etc. I placed some gauze or a bandage over them to keep her from licking or irritating them, but all in all, they really did not seem to bother her, so she pretty much left them alone. All during this time, her demeanor, appetite and energy levels did not change. I would not give her any antibiotics as the tea seems to me to be working, but I would give her something for immune support. Also, I always pray over my babies, laying my body over theirs, sharing your heart, life and light energy to her for added strength. Bless you and let us know how she is doing.

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Dana (Us) on 03/03/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Hi! I am loving this website and am so appreciative of the helpful information it contains! Thank you!!

In December of 2016 my almost 12 year old male terrier mix was diagnosed with a mass in his "cheek"... a terrible place to try and treat because he won't let me near it! He had the mass removed the week of Christmas and I opted to not have it biopsied because I knew I would not subject him to chemo/radiation, and the cost was already very high for the surgery. Prior to the surgery, I started making his food and treating him with turmeric, coconut oil, medicinal mushroom powder, food grade H2O2, and everything I could think of to try and boost his immune system and possibly shrink the mass. After the surgery, I continued with the same routine. At his last check up, the mass had already started to come back... so I started Rascal on essaic tea. This was about a month ago. I thought at first that the tumor was drying up, but then it seemed to grow larger and he had a very stinky clump of fur/dried blood... that formed and drove him crazy. Every time I tried to get near him to try and treat it, he would run. Fortunately, it fell off (FINALLY) the beginning of this week, and underneath is a VERY bright red spot that seems to be "swelling". Should I continue with the essaic? I am trying to get him to sleep on the side where I can see it so that I can try and drop some castor oil on it... I have also ordered Artemisinin and K9 Immunity which will be here tomorrow! Please help! He has a GREAT appetite, his eyes are bright and he doesn't appear to be in pain, although he is licking his paws incessantly... my funds are limited, but I am desperate to try and get rid of the cancer. We just moved back to Nashville 6 months ago and lost our sweet female dog 10 days after we got here... we were devastated. The thought of losing another beloved pet makes me so sad.


Stacey (Uk) on 06/12/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, we used essiac tea for out cat with great results ...he was a 6 kg cat and gave him 5ml mixed with 5ml water
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Denise (Georgia) on 12/30/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to update on Khaki, my Himalayan. She continues to improve. Her appetite is better and her breathing is much better. I really thought I was going to have to put her down. I can only conclude that the Essiac is the reason for her miraculous improvement. I don't like to get my hopes up, especially with lymphoma, but if she can have a few more healthy months (or years) thanks to Essiac tea, then I am very grateful. Don't give up hope and give this a try if your pet has been diagnosed with cancer.
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Ping (Portland, Oregon, Usa) on 08/31/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I have a 11 years old Golden Retriver Tahoe. She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma on her right front leg two weeks ago. After the initial diagnosis, shoe couldn't walk anymore and limped badly. The only time she would stand up and walked a little bit is two meal time and potty time. She lost weight, had reduced appetite even though I started to feed her homemade meal after the diagnosis. Most time she just lie in her bed and seemed in pain and listless. Three days ago, I started to give her 60ml Essiac tea twice daily on empty stomach. I can see her condition improved just after one dose of the tea. After two doses of the tea, she walked outside with me for two blocks after dinner. This was the first time she ever walked since the initial diagnosis. Now, after three days of taking Essiac tea, her limp improved a lot. She walks twice a day, finishes her meal completely, go potty twice a day, and seemed gain back some weight. I am so grateful of the site caninecancer introducing Essiac tea to me and my lovely dog Tahoe. I am keeping my fingers acrossd and hoping Tahoe will make a full recovery and put the cancer into remission.
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Spectrekitty (Dallas, Tx, Usa) on 05/28/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I have to say, I did use the 8-herb formula, and had great results, so I'd advise that it's NOT dangerous. My 16-yr-old Himalayan (cat), who was given 6 wks to 6 mos to live by our vet, lived to be 19 years old - largely, I'm convinced, due to the Essiac "knock-off" I was giving him!
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Karen (Pueblo Of Acoma, Nm) on 05/05/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Many thanks to such a great site, for humans and our four-legged companions! I have a dog, Lady, who developed a lump on her back just above her tail. Her hair did not grow in that area and the growth often looked swollen and lumpy. I did not want anyone to cut it as it might spread, and I did not want to traumatize my little girl, so, upon the advice of a naturopathic chiropractor I go to, who is also an animal lover, he suggested I give her Essiac. I started stirring a tablespoon of the concentrated tea into her food twice a day. I home brew the tea and therefore have a lot of the thickened herbs left over, so one day I decided to just put a glob of the herbal substance right on the growth. I held it there for a while to make sure it would not slip off. I kept putting some more on it each day for about a month, while continuing to give her the tea in her food. The growth has completely dried up, but I continue to give her a tablespoon of the liquid once a day to make sure it does not come back. I hope that is helpful.
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Om (Hope Bc, Canada) on 07/24/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Barbara from Tempe, Az. Yes, Essiac is perfect for Minnie. It must be taken at least for six months twice a day on empty stomach. Diet should include lots of turmeric and some powdered vit C. I used Essiac to rid a friend's dog of suspected cancer of the spleen. It was gone after six months. The dosage depends on the weight of the dog. In her case it could be one ounce in warm water. You can brew the tea yourself. The website for Essiac will give much assistance. The herbs have to have the roots attached! My shepherd voided a black jelly like mass after some weeks of usage as the tea detoxifies the entire body. No need to worry but pay attention to clean and wholesome diet.

My own feelings about raw food is that even the meat of grassfed animals is not free of GMO's as they are all fed with that kind of formula which is done everywhere. So my dogs eat lamb or chicken but the problem remains re GMO's. Lots of raw vegs. And VCO one tablesp. At least. You may want to include kelp powder and nutritional yeast. Good luck. Om


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