Coconut Oil for Ear Infections

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Allison (Montpelier, Vt) on 12/27/2012
5 out of 5 stars

 wanted to recommend Organic Virgin Coconut Oil for pets ears. My guys lick it right off of the spoon (it's just as good for their insides as well as their outsides) and you can clean your pup's ears out with a bit of the coconut oil as it's an excellent anti-fungal remedy. I put a dab on an organic cotton ball and wipe it out when it looks yuckky inside, sometimes it takes a couple of cotton balls so don't be surprised if you have to do this more than once at a time.

I give 1 tsp for every 10 lbs (meaning 1 tablespoon for every 30 lbs) internally. I spread some on a piece of toast in the morning with peanut butter to get my pup use to it initially but then he loved the taste and just licks it off the spoon every morning. If you give him too much, he'll get diarrhea (just so you know). The stuff is great for humans too so it's something everyone in the family can benefit from!