Apple Cider Vinegar for Conjunctivitis

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Stacey (London) on 05/05/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Hi thankyou so much for your post. We have a 9 week old kitten whom we took to the vet on Tuesday as 1 of her eyes started to swell really badly and it was really red and she couldnt open it properly. We didnt know what was wrong or why it swelled. The vet gave her some eye drops which we used but it was not any better yesterday, so the vet wanted to give her an anti-inflammatory injection, which could kill her as her organs aren't yet fully developed. We obviously were horrified that she would suggest that, so after alot of money spent, I remembered this site. We used your recommendation of dipping her paws in ACV mixed with water, and within hours she could open her eye, and this morning its fully cleared and better. We are amazed and so thankful to you and everyone else who post on this site xx
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Sheila (South Yorkshire) on 04/07/2016
5 out of 5 stars

My dog had conjunctivitis in both eyes used 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar to 1 part water stood his feet in it one at a time then wet the back of his neck too. The next day it was completely gone such a relief. Thank you for the tip, it saved me a fortune. Will pass the advice on.
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Anita (South) on 08/30/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I had a kitten with an eye infection and I knew that vinegar was the solution, based on my experience with other animals (chickens, cows, etc), but I also knew that cats won't drink vinegar. I tried putting some vinegar mixed in with canned cat food, and they refused it. So I read on this website to put it on their back. I did that, and her eye got much better. Then I figured out that to make it easier to apply, just dip her foot in it. I put 1 to 1 vinegar and water in a little jar and dipped her feet in it. It's well known that feet are super absorbent. Thankfully, the kittens eye is much better today. I tried several remedies that didn't work and it had gotten bad, so it took a few days to get better.
REPLY   5      

Jaide (Brisbane, Queensland) on 06/19/2015
5 out of 5 stars

After reading this site I tried the apple cider vinegar in my 9 month old kitten, as one of he his eyes was inflamed with some discharge and he was squinting. I too was skeptical. I put some on his shoulder/neck at 6pm and again before bed. No noticeable improvement. Woke up this morning and his eye looks bright as a button!!! I've has put some more Apple Cider Vinegar on his neck today- he is busily licking himself clean! I'm not sure how it works but it seems to have worked for him :) thank you so much!
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Thrinny (Caldwell, Nj) on 05/16/2015
5 out of 5 stars

So I stumbled upon this site searching for a cure for conjunctivitis for my 5 yr old cat, Milo. After reading all the posts about Apple Cider Vinegar and how it worked for so many others, I had to give it a try. I mixed 1 tablespoon of ACV and 1 tablespoon of water and soaked a cotton ball with it. Put it on the back of her neck, in between her shoulder blades, and when we got up this morning she was 99% better. I was blown away with how quickly it worked. I will do another dose today just to be on the safe side. This certainly saved me $$ for not having to go to the vet. Plus Milo is not a fan of going in the carrying crate, so less frustration on both our parts.

I saved this site to my favorites for future ailments.

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Nbk8a6v (Atascadero, Ca) on 07/05/2014
5 out of 5 stars

My 7 yr old doberman has conjunctivitis; not sure how he got it but its in the left eye, which swelled up on top to the size of a golf ball. When I opened the swollen lids, the inner tissue appeared to be swollen, but no redness on the whites of his eyes. Flushed his eye with saline solution and took him to the vet. Vet poked around and used ultraviolet light to determine no corneal trauma and no foreign object. She prescribed eyedrops. Basically, its neomycin and polymyxin--the same stuff in generic antobiotic ointment you can get at Target or Walmart for $3. So I used the $35 eyedrops religiously for a week and the swelling and discharge went away.

But less than a week later, the swelling and discharge came back. I clean my boy's face everyday with babywipes and now I flush his eyes with sterile saline solution, so whatever foreign object might have irritated his eye to begin with was not an issue the second time his eye swelled up. Hmmm.

This time tried Refrigerated organic ACV on a cotton ball, saturated the back of his neck and wiped his eye. He seemed to like the cool sensation on his eye. Plus put a little generic antiobiotic gel on the corners of his eye. Swelling went away in less than 24 hours. I will keep this up for a week just to make sure it doesn't come back.

I know vets mean well but in today's grim economy why stick it to people with expensive pharma when there are inexpensive home remedies that are just as if not more effective. I have three dogs and three cats and I would have more if I could afford them. Maybe I could if vets would stop purchasing their vacation homes with unnecessary scripts for our furkids. Yeah, that sounds rather cynical but I have paid my share of unnecessary vet expenses over the years and finally wised up. Its great that we love our furkids, people, but please do your research first before making a vet appt. So much stuff is unnecessary if not downright harmful for your pet but most vets don't care, they just want your money. This website is a great start.

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Tracy (Jacksonville, Fl) on 06/25/2014
5 out of 5 stars

My poor cat Irma developed a weepy eye, and once it affected her other eye too, I knew it was conjunctivitis. Looking for a home made remedy I found Earth Clinic. It took a few days, but rubbing a solution of half ACV and half H2O with a cotton ball between her shoulder blades 3 to 4 times a day had her clear eyed and back to her old self within a week! I kept up the process for an extra day, just to be on the safe side, but she didn't need it. Hurray for Irma! And thank you to all the contributors that convinced me to give it a try.
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Colleen (North Vancouver British Columbia Canada) on 11/13/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I tried the ACV treatment on my dog Hailey, 8 1/2 month old lab cross. She has had reoccuring eye infections. Instead of the antibiotic drops, I tried the ACV placed on the back of her neck with a cotton ball. I held it in place for 30 seconds or so, gave a squeeze. After 2 treatments her eyes are so much better. I was having to wipe them every hour at least, big gobs of gook. I also added about a tsp/capful to her drinking water, she didn't seem to mind it. I used organic Omega ACV, unfiltered, with the mother. I'll certainly be telling everyone about this miraculous cure. Thanks so much.

Caroline (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) on 01/17/2013
5 out of 5 stars

This stuff is a miracle!

My 10-year old Shih Tzu has had eye issues for years. The vet says he is 75% blind (not sure I believe that from the testing I have done at home) due to leakage from his corneas to lubricate his eyes. They have always been leaking nasty yellowish stuff that literally glues his left eye shut in the morning. And the whites of his eyes are bright red. He's had oodles of antibiotics and gunk that costs $84 for a tube the size of my pinky - and about 10% of that farts out air the first time you use it - that I have to use 3 times a day. I've spent over $1000 on vet visits and medicines to control it.

SO, I read this thread. Cleaned his eyes (AGAIN! - it's my second profession - if I got paid for it I'd be rich - or at least able to pay vet bills... ) with boric acid (1 tsp to 1 cup water, then I use cosmetic pads to wipe them well). Then I doused the back of his neck with 1/2 water and 1/2 apple cider vinegar from a spray bottle.

Holy $%^&!! He woke up the next morning with nothing! Nada! I couldn't believe it and kept checking his eyes for days. It's been almost a week and I douse the back of his neck before I shower every morning (so I can wash off the smell - yuck! ) and his eyes are 95% better. Next to no discharge.

This forum has saved my dog. The vet wanted $800 to remove his eye. He came very close to being put down and my sons would have been completely heartbroken. This wonderful but (formerly) miserable dog acts like a puppy again!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!

Ain't Google grand? :>)

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Arlyn (Nahant, Ma) on 01/27/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I'm not usually one for reviewing products/methods but this time I just have to. As an herbalist I'm quite open to experimenting with natural remedies on myself but have always been a bit hesitant when it comes to trying things on my cats. However, my elder male, Mr. Fitch, turned up with some variation of conjunctivitis this week that rapidly progressed to the point of gluing his eyes shut. Not having any eye ointment on hand and, as others here have mentioned, being very tight on finances I did some research and found the apple cider vinegar remedy here. Along with gently swabbing his eyes with a cloth soaked with warm water as frequently as possible without completely alienating him, I soaked the back of Mr. Fitch's neck with full strength organic apple cider vinegar twice, 3 hours apart, last night. I applied none during the day today prefering to see how he reacted to last night's dosing.

I have to say that we are not out of the woods yet, but the improvement between last night and tonight is quite noticeable and a relief, for me and him I believe. Mr. Fitch just received another ACV application a little while ago and Mr. Fitch willing I'm planning on two more tonight. He certainly doesn't seem to mind them very much. Here's hoping the improvement continues and he'll be clear again before the eye ointment I ordered arrives on monday.

At this point I'd say that, while certainly not guaranteed, this remedy is certainly worth a shot. Thank you Earth Clinic for making it available.


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