Seizures for Coconut Oil For Pets

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Coregon (Medford, Or, Usa) on 06/03/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Our 12 year old Boston Terrior dog began having seizures. I had just started taking coconut oil for health benefits and our dog as usual begged for whatever I was eating. I gave her some coconut oil..about a tsp...let her lick it off spoon.. she loved it and begged for more. After a couple days I noticed no more seizures..could it be the coconut oil? ...I skipped a day and sure enough..a seizure. It really works..its brain healing. If seizures are severe give a.m. and p.m...and our dog weighed 16 pounds..give more for larger dogs. Costs less than $5 a month and works better than RX vets give you.