L-lysine For Feline Herpes Outbreaks for Cat Remedies

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Showing 4 Star Reviews

Maria (Louisville, Ky) on 02/21/2013
4 out of 5 stars

L-Lysine for cats with herpes virus

Please consider posting information on your site about the amino acid, L-Lysine. It is very effective in controlling the frequency, duration and severity of feline herpes outbreaks. Many of your posters are under the impression that they can resolve swollen, runny eyes with ACV, when what is happening is their cats is experiencing a viral outbreak that will run its course and resolve on it's own anyway. As long as the drainage is clear, eyes should be left alone. If the drainage in the eye becomes green and thick or the eye can't open, then it is evident that a bacterial infection is at work and an antibiotic is needed. (I use fishmox regularly) While nothing cures or prevents cat herpes, L-Lysine is a valuable tool in your arsinol. While the ACV may help in terms of cleansing the eye, (I cannot imagine that it doesn't sting, even when diluted) it is in no way effecting the viral outbreak. I dose my cats with L-lysine 3 times a week by mixing a 500mg capsule into wet food. It tasts salty and they din't seem to mind the addition at all. I buy human grade L-lysine (usually NOW brand as it comes in a capsule that is already granulated and easy to open and mix, it beats crushing pills) I have had fantastic results.