Cataract Remedies for Cats and Dogs

Modified on Mar 04, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

As pet owners we all dread having the day arrive when we must deal with the unavoidable fact that our pet is aging, and as a result is unfortunately more prone to a number of health related problems.  Just like humans, one of the common issues to affect our pets as they age involves vision problems, and more specifically, cataracts.  However, cataracts in pets can develop as a result of issues other than merely old age.  Factors such as poor diet during the pregnancy stages of the animal's mother, hereditary issues and diabetes mellitus can all play a part in your pet developing cataracts. 

Cataracts in your pet affect the actual lens inside the eye, causing cloudiness and making it difficult for the animal to see things the way they normally would.  The onset of cataracts in your pet may be evident if you notice a slight grayish color to the eyes, which will progress as the animal ages or as the disease progresses.  Animals who develop the problem as a result of their parent's nutritionally lacking diet may begin to show signs as early as a few weeks of age and could lead to complete blindness within two or three years.  

There are a number of homeopathic treatments available for different stages of the disease.  If you have been fortunate enough to catch the problem very early on it is suggested that you try adding Sulphur to the pets diet in order to treat and slow the progression of the cloudy lens.  For pets that have had cataract surgery and yet the condition continues to worsen, try using a treatment of Senega, and for long-term use try Silicea.

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List of Remedies for Cataracts