Cat Acne, Skin Conditions for Bald Spots on Cat

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Jessica (Kansas) on 10/26/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

My tuxedo cat had bald spots appearing on all of his legs. I feed them high quality food and couldn't figure it out for a year after trying many remedies. Finally I read about Hemp Seeds (100% legal btw) and how they have the right amount of Omega 3's and 6's. Within one, maybe two months his fur was back! I just sprinkle it on top of his food and he eats it right up.

Over the winter his skin became a little dry so I add a little coconut oil. When I would put it on my skin he would practically appear out of no where and beg for it. I finally started listening to him and it his helping with his dandruff. I either put it in his food or put some on his paw and he licks it off.

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Jeanette (Fort Plain, NY) on 04/06/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

My cat used to have several completely bald spots all over his body. It would come and go, with no pattern that was apparent to me. The only thing I noticed at first was that he would get much better in the Summer time. One Winter a few years ago I noticed that he did not get worse. In fact, he had no baldness at all. I really thought about it...I hadn't changed food...then it dawned on me: I had changed to all-natural kitty litter and stayed with it consistently for the past few months.

His bald spots had been consistent with the times I had used clumping kitty litter.

Stay away from clumping litter!

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