Natural Cures for Canine Megaesophagus

Modified on Nov 10, 2017 | Earth Clinic Team

Introduction To Canine Megaesophagus

Canine megaesophagus is a condition that can affect dogs of all types. Essentially, it is a condition that is caused when a dog's esophagus muscles collapse in certain sections, causing them to fail. This prevents food from properly passing through their esophagus and into their stomach.

While megaesophagus in dogs definitely sounds like a horrible condition for them to go through, there are certainly ways to treat it. Canine megaesophagus is not necessarily curable, but it is very treatable. With a little bit of work and some adjustments to a dog's eating and drinking routine, they can become comfortable and not suffer too much from the symptoms of megaesophagus, which include regurgitation of food and liquids, rapid weight loss, coughing, aspirational pneumonia, and more.

Megaesophagus Treatment

One of the most common ways to treat megaesophagus in dogs is to have them eat and drink in a vertical position. This can be done in a variety of ways, including with the help of specially designed chair devices or by simply holding them up when they eat. When this is done, it allows gravity to do its work, which helps to ensure that the food a dog is eating will pass through its esophagus successfully and reach its stomach without causing blockages of any kind. This can take some effort, but is well worth the trouble to ensure that a dog is comfortable and healthy. Also, it is a natural remedy that does not require medication. Thinner, less chunky foods have also been shown to help with this condition, as these types of foods are less likely to get caught in a dog's esophagus. While they are often not the first option, certain medications can make a difference with this condition too, which include acid reducing medicines and various motility drugs.

Overall, this condition is absolutely a tough one for any dog to deal with, but is fully treatable. Any dog with canine megaesophagus is fully capable of living a long and healthy life, as long as their owners can provide them with the care they need and take simple steps to make them comfortable.???

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List of Remedies for Canine Megaesophagus