Borax for Pets: Effective Skin Solutions & Arthritis Relief

Modified on Mar 29, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Discover the numerous benefits of using borax for pets, including its effectiveness when used externally in treating mange, yeast infections, and flea infestations. When used internally in a pet's water, borax can help ease arthritis symptoms. Earth Clinic's popular remedy, Ted's Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax treatment, has helped countless pet owners improve their pets' skin health.

Learn how this affordable, safe, and easy-to-use remedy can address a variety of itchy skin issues and enhance the well-being of your furry friends.

Borax for Demodectic and Sarcoptic Mange

Since 2004, thousands of people worldwide have used Ted's Mange Treatment for their dogs. This remedy is not only safe and effective but also very inexpensive. The borax and peroxide solution has been used by our readers to treat conditions like ringworm and similar conditions.

Borax for Yeast Infections

Borax is effective for treating yeast infections in pets because it prevents sugar from reaching the yeast, starving the yeast, or reducing the severity of the problem. A saturated borax solution is made with 1% hydrogen peroxide to use externally to kill the yeast. Dietary changes are also necessary.

Borax Added to Drinking Water

A small amount of borax, typically a pinch, is added to a dog's water dish for internal use. This is another way borax helps treat skin conditions and other issues, including ringworm, yeast overgrowth, parasites, and more. See Ted's post below for measurements.

Note that 1/8th teaspoon of borax contains approximately 56.5 mg of boron. Twenty Mule Team Borax powder contains about 11.3% boron, which is how mg is calculated.

Borax for Fleas

Borax sprinkled on carpets dries out flea eggs so that they can't hatch and perpetuate the flea infestation. Outside areas can also be treated for fleas with a mixture of 4 parts of borax, 1.5 parts of salt, and 1.5 parts of baking soda.

Continue reading below to learn more about the use of borax for pets, and please let us know if you've tried using borax on your pet!

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List of Remedies for Borax for Pets