Black Spots for Ted's Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax Cure

5 star (1) 

R (Yonkers, Ny) on 08/20/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to follow up on using the peroxide with borax for black spots. I read what Ted wrote plus what else was written about Borax on the other pages. I have been using it on my dog for the last two weeks and I am seeing results! The black spots seemed to have gotten worse with summer months and all the rain we have gotten around here. She started to lick her paws non-stop and biting at her skin. After the first bath using the mix I noticed that she wasn't licking as much and the brown color on the fur of her belly and paws seemed to have cleared up. The second week after her bath she started scratching less, licking less and the dry skin patches started to go away. I am still watching the spots to see if they will go away...but I haven't seen new ones which is great! Thanks EC!
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