Pet Calm for Behavioral Issues

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Shanaex1414 (Stockton, CA) on 10/29/2008
5 out of 5 stars

My shepherd/beagle Monty had such bad separation anxiety, he'd not only bark nonstop 6 hours while we were working, he'd also chew his fur and scrape his nose (either by trying to escape by licking/rubbing his nose).
We tried crating him, tried molasses, and even tried giving him a kong wuth peanut butter or meat which he WOULD NOT EAT!

Today, however, he's a brand new dog, and I DON'T have to buy another dog for him! I gave him a light dinner last night and no breakfast today, and he ate his kong! His hunger was maybe a small reason, but the main ingredient was a $9 bottle of the Richard's Organics at Petco. I think the bottle will last quite a while, too. The recommended Ignatia was $20 at GNC and non-refundable. Petco lets you return items that don't work. I gave him the ml dosage with the included dropper, and when we got home, he didn't even bark when we put the keys in the door! This is a completely different dog! I'm amazed.