Ice Cubes for Bee Stings

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Natalie (Lakewood, CA) on 07/17/2009
5 out of 5 stars

My 5 year old pit got stung today (from a hive we just discovered yesterday in an orange tree and had not previously called attention to itself!) I suddenly noticed his right lip was swollen! I located the stinger and verified what it was by looking up images online. I didn't have any Benadryl or baking soda, and he's not a dog you can hold an ice pack on. So in the end I put some ice cubes in his bowl. He was quite happy to eat them, which he usually isn't, so I figured it was providing some relief. I then kept feeling the swollen lip and it went down after about 2 hours. All is well, and the beehive has been removed, thank goodness!