Animal Health Warnings

Modified on Jun 15, 2023

Not all foods, toys, treats, or home remedies are safe for our pets. Individual breeds, not to mention different types of pets, can have very different nutritional needs and can digest very differently or entirely fail to metabolize common foods and remedies. For that reason, we provide this page in which to discuss Animal Health Warnings you may want to share with other Earth Clinic community pet owners.

Certain products marketed toward dogs and other pets may actually be harmful to those pets. Human analgesic and antihistamine medicines may be tempting remedies when our pets are suffering, but often they cannot process these drugs or require much smaller doses than a human would require. For these reasons and more we need to be careful what we give our cats, dogs, and other pets.

Please take a look at the user posts below to review health alerts people have shared that may concern you and your pet.

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    List of Remedies for Animal Health Warnings