Dietary Changes for Anal Glands, Infected/Swollen

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Keira (Sydney, Australia) on 10/26/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Three years ago my 8 yr old female cat Missy developed anal scent gland discharge. The vet gave her 2 courses of antibiotics to no avail, & it was back & forth to the vet for the gland squeezing till the vet taught me how to do it. The vet wanted to do surgery on her, I declined. I'd never had any problems with previous cats so I figured it had to be something in her diet. There was already one brand of cat biscuits she couldn't tolerate as they would trigger urinary tract infections which I treated successfully with cranberry tablets. Normally she ate cat biccies & tin cat food. I took her off cat biscuits completely- usually she would eat more of them than the tin food. Within a couple of days of no cat biccies the problem completely cleared up & has not returned. A couple of months later a new grain free cat biscuit brand came onto the supermarket shelves, which I tried & which didn't cause any problems. Missy continues to eat cat tin food & the grain free cat biscuits & there have been no more problems.
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Tttailor (Worcester, Ma) on 08/18/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My Toy Fox Terrier has the same anal glad problem and I switched her food to Science Diet WD which is a precription diet food from her vet. She no longer has any problems. I did try switching her to an organic dog food and her glands flared up a few months after the change. Went back to Science Diet and not messing with her food again!